Thursday, April 3, 2008

Hope is a nice thing to have

It took me 18 years to finally realize that generally I am not liked, will never be liked, and don't need to be. I am not writing to be liked, I don't sing to be liked, I don't go to church to be liked.
These are my life, I write, I sing, I live.

Only one person has read this blog. They were kind enough to comment, and I appreciate that greatly. She even linked me to her page. Regardless, I am content to see my word on the page whether it be viewed or not.

These last few posts have been kinda short. I haven't had alot of detailed events lately. Just alot of jumbled mess. But hope for the better and stranger keeps me going



Andi said...

I like you, Joe. And I'm happy to read your blog, every day. . . and I think others will, too. It just takes time.

As for jumbled, check out my blog today - it's a mess.

Anonymous said...

I have never met you, but you seem like a good person. I have been reading it ever since Andi linked you to her blog. There ARE people out there that are interested in have you have to say!