Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Asian Waffles taste good with Thousand Island

Working at Waffle House, especially the night shift, is insane. It takes a seriously fucked up individual to survive a havre de grace night shift, and working with the people I do makes me want to pour hot sauce into my eyes, but I don't like that so I haven't yet.

Tonight, or this morning or whatever it is has been particularly boring, except for the fact that at this moment I am listening to my cook yelling at some of our regulars. This is the routine, I sit and do my thing, she yells and screams at the customers and usually walks out with more tips than I do, even though she isn't supposed to.

There were a group of asians in, and they didn't speak English. Waffle House does not sell fish, nor do they discriminate based on race, ethnicity or any of that other bull, but we do. Or maybe Crystal and I do. I'm not racist, but I am opposed to the idea's of silly asian people trying to order salad sauce, and other strange, un-waffly items.

This blog has become my new place to kvetch, so get used to it, I'll try not to play too rough

1 comment:

Andi said...

Funny and kind of sad, too. I like reading your digressions. They make me see more of you on the page. I'm adding your blog to mine. Thanks for pointing me to more of your writing.