Once more today's writing come straight out of my crazy job. Night shift is filled with the goonies, and loonies that make my soul happy, and my pocket too. The point of the matter is, last night we had once exceptional customer whom brought us the most joy we have had in quite a long time.
Don, or Jimmy, or Mr. dude, he gave us multiple names, came into the waffle house about 3:30 in the morning, and brought with him the personality of twelve drunks. This man sang to us, he danced with us, and he even broke several rules that we had to ask him to refrain from.
To begin with he came running in and sat in the middle booth and just started giggling. I asked him if he wanted a minute to look at the menu and he said that would be awesome. So I went and got him his orange juice, and he began to sing about how he loves orange juice. He raised his glass in the air and sang hallelujah to his OJ. For several minutes he just sat rambling on about his OJ and not even looking at the menu. After he ordered, he began to tell us about the fight between Frank Sinatra, and Harry Connick Jr. the other day. Apparently they had been staying Michael Buble and Harry caught Michael sleeping with Frankie. I don't even know where he was coming from, but it was quite funny.
After chanting about Maple and Flapstacks...AKA waffles with syrup, he chose to put on some Johnny Cash on the Jukebox, and sang and danced for us. Ten minutes later he passed out in our booth, it was disturbing, so I called the cook over and he woke back up. He went outside to smoke, and when I went out to check on him a few minutes later, he was laying on the ground with his eyes rolled back in his head. I asked loudly if he was okay, and he said yes.
He refused to let us call him a cab, and after leaving both the cook and I 5 dollars each, he went on his drunken way. I hope Don or Jimmy, or whoever he is, comes back tonight
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