This post is going to be short
I just want to elighten the idea that Chuck E Cheese is the most evil place on the planet.
I walked in with 22 dollars in cash. I had a bunch of coupons and my friends and I all bought a bunch of pizza's soda's and tokens for like 80 bucks total.
That was great until we started playing the games.............
Have you ever noticed that when you run out of tokens, you want more, and think that those tokens really didn't last too long? Well the truth is, even though the games are only 1 token, the average game lasts about 5 seconds.
So...........................let's do some math here
5 seconds out of 1 minute is 1/12. Thus you can in theory play 12 games in a minute, thus spending 3 dollars in one each token costs a quarter.
With 100 tokens, you are in theory only playing for a total time frame of about 8 minutes and 20 seconds.
Those 100 tokens aren't cheap either. 25 dollars can buy you dinner for two at a decent restaurant or you spend less than ten minutes in chuck e cheeses for the same price.
So to make a long story short.
Don't take a credit card into chuck e cheese, you will only hurt yourself more.
An hour and a half spent in chuck e cheese. My grand total spent was 78 dollars and 50 cents
That's why my kids have never been there! :0)
Glad you are back. I enjoy reading your blog!
well joe-joe i was with you and i spent 79.50 so yeah we are never going back love you
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