Friday, April 18, 2008

Drunk Chicks

This post will be fairly short. Just another snippet of insight into what my life is like.

I had to serve yet another table full of obnoxiously wasted 20 somethings, and this crowd was particularly mellow except for this one chick.

I asked her to sign her credit card receipt because she was holding up the line to the cash box and we were moderately busy at the time. In my nature, I asked her once nicely. The woman got an attitude with me, and said "don't rush me, I'll get it when I'm ready." After a few more nice words from me, explaining that she was holding up the line, she pulled the following.

"You know what you piece of shit? This is all you get." It was a dollar and change tip, and normally it wouldn't bother me, but this woman had me steaming already. So in my fairly kind nature I couldn't flip out on this girl and slit her throat like I wanted to, but rather I said, "It's fine, and I'm sorry you have to a bitch Ma'am!" Just the mere fact that I called a complete stranger a bitch made me feel powerful, stronger, and so much happier.

Is there a moment in your life that you just completely lost it on someone?

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